Kamibashi, a member of the Fair Trade Federation, the Museum Store Association, and the Haunted Attractions Association, works directly with artists in northern Thailand to make The String Doll Gang - 200+ small characters made almost entirely of string bearing messages of good fortune to everyone. We are located in Asheville, NC, and have been in business for over 20 years.

Kristen Daniels
I started Kamibashi (Japanese for "paper bridge") while teaching English to university students in Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto was a magical place, and it was a wonderful era of my life, but I knew that I would have to head back to the US at some point, and I was going to need a job. There were lots of things in Asia that I loved, and so without any experience in retail, wholesale, or sales of any kind, I thought: Why not try and sell something?!
Originally Kamibashi was going to offer greeting cards (and we still do! See www.paperbridgecards.com) as well as handwoven textiles, but like so much of life, another road presented itself. While on a textile-buying trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand in early 2005, just a few months before moving back to the US, I read a story in an English language magazine about string dolls. Curious to see these small string creatures in person, I headed to the night market that evening, and the rest, as they say, is history!
Bringing Kamibashi to Life
Fast forward to 2025, the 20th anniversary of The String Doll Gang, and Kamibashi is still going strong. What started as a group of 15 string doll characters has grown to over 250, most of which are designed together with the leaders of the two string doll groups I have been working with (and visiting at least every other year) since the very beginning.
The Kamibashi team (meet them below!) and I never fail to be amazed by the creativity of our string doll artisans and their ability to make pretty much anything and anyone out of string. If you are ever in Asheville, NC, please come and visit the String Doll House, meet the Kamibashi crew, and check it out!

Meet Vickie
I've been working at Kamibashi since October 2015! I'm deeply passionate about Fair Trade and its positive impact worldwide, so I am very grateful to be part of a small business that also holds and practices the same beliefs. My interests include horror, fashion, and traveling to exciting new places. I love every single string doll but Chico, who looks like my dog Bruno, and Mothman, whom I helped design, are my two favorites! Outside of work, my world revolves around my wonderful daughter, Xochitl, and my amazing husband, Eric!
Meet Eric
I was introduced to the Kamibashi string dolls through my wife Vickie and then joined the Kamibashi family officially in June 2022. I have a wide scope of interest which include art, playing video games, working out, and cooking. Vickie and I are first-time parents and I love every moment spent watching her grow. Currently, my favorite string doll is the Flatwoods Monster.

Meet Deanna
I started working at Kamibashi in 2007 right after college. In 2020, after my twin girls were born, I came back to Kamibashi remotely from Richmond, Virginia. I love how much people love these dolls and their special powers. It’s awesome to be apart of such a creative and forward thinking team!
Besides working at Kamibashi, I enjoy practicing yoga, reading, and life with my children. Also, I have my own sourdough starter named Roger who occasionally makes his appearance in loaves, cakes, and pizza dough - he’s very popular with the girls!
Meet Lisbeth
I've been working at Kamibashi since August 2021! My favorite part of Kamibashi is the relaxed and chill workplace environment. My interests and hobbies are making beaded crafts like keychains and phone charms. I also enjoy listening to music, watching shows, building Legos, and working out. My favorite string dolls would have to be Luv Bird and Ursa because they are very cute!

Meet Jazmin
I recently started working at Kamibashi in September 2024. I really enjoy being part of the team, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to contribute. My favorite part is when I get orders for dolls I haven't seen before; I love appreciating the true art of each doll. They are all incredible, but if I had to choose, Gaia would be my favorite.
Meet Franzi
I've been with Kamibashi since August 2023, and what I love most about working at Kamibashi is the opportunity to explore the creative aspects of the string dolls and contribute ideas for new designs. In my free time, I enjoy reading, rollerblading whenever I can, and spending quality time with my family. My favorite doll has to be Cornelius; he's so upbeat and always reminds you that you're a-MAIZE-ing!!!